What's New in Njord Analytics?
Note: for changes to Njord Player, refer to the version-specific changelog on our website.
1st Quarter 2025
- The scatter chart view type now supports calculated metrics like
etc., shows more fine-granular ticks per axis, and adds an option to show reference areas indicating the mean/standard deviation and/or min/max of each data set - Shows course axis bearing and length in Map view along axis line and in Trim Races course elements form
- Adds MAPLINEAR() function
4th Quarter 2024
- Supports connecting YachtBot/WindBot units to Njord's servers instead of Igtimi's servers
- The scatter chart view type now supports the Color by Tack option when a single time range is highlighted
- The maneuvers view type now supports more than one boat, and comparing maneuvers between boats
- Adds support for loading NMEA 2000 data from Garmin GPSMAP plotters
- Adds support for start line pings and start timer for B&G Hercules log files
3rd Quarter 2024
- Adds an option to show hoisted sails in the table visualization
- Improves the usability on small mobile devices by allowing the user to open the sidebar like a menu. The old mobile interface is still available for a transition period but is no longer displayed by default.
- Adds a standalone Polar Editor to open polars from any file or from the ORC database, edit targets and polars, and save to multiple polar file formats or directly to a Njord Analytics boat
- Adds the ability to download data from the sail crossover view type to Expedition
- New boat creation wizard makes it easier to create custom design / one-off build boats, have more control over the license assigned to a new boat, and request a new trial license if required
- Adds a filter option to the Table view type
2nd Quarter 2024
- Improved sample rate of map view in Entire Day view
- Fixes TWD inference with irregularly sampled boat data
- Invert suggested calibration offset for AWA calibration
- Add CSV download to Scatter Chart in Performance Database
- Add Bin Table option to require at least N samples per cell
- Added user settings to configure fractional digits and units per metric
- Added
metrics (available in race with full course);VMC
metrics are now calculated across an entire race - Supports loading Microsoft Excel files like CSV files
1st Quarter 2024
- Added support for logging in with Passkeys; go to Profile - Security to add a Passkey to your account
- Added filter capability to Maneuvers view type (to only show maneuvers in a certain TWS range, for example)
- TWA(), TWS(), AWA(), AWS() and ARCTAN2() functions
- Added support for PGN 129284 (Navigation data, BRG/DTW/VMC)
November 2023
- Added XTE metric (calculated when viewing one leg of a race with full course marks)
- New data explainer view to understand the calculation of variables and investigate accuracy of values

October 2023
- New Njord Web Player for quick ad-hoc playback sessions
September 2023
- Improvements to the wind data management page, to add wind data from a separate file
- Add option to log in using an email one-time code
- When attempting to upload data to a boat without a valid license, will provide more information on why existing license are not applicable
August 2023
- New sail crossover view type, visualizing the true wind angles and speeds at which you have sailed a boat's sails
- New wind data management page to view wind direction and speed ranges for each start, and to add wind direction and speed data from various sources (inferred, weather data, from other boats, manual input).

July 2023
- Added a search bar to quickly locate boats, events and other resources. The search bar may be activated through the search icon in the sidebar or by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Period.
- Updated Stats view type to be faster; added CSV download; hover min/max value to jump to time of min/max; now also available in the Performance Database
June 2023
- New Calibration view type, displaying statistics to help with the calibration of the speed transducer/paddlewheel, compass, and wind angle reading.
- Polar Diagram view shows one or more of the boat's preconfigured polar files for reference (configurable via the settings menu).
- Adds calculated metrics to many views, including
(VMC is only available when selecting a single leg in a race with a course) - Data table view: added support for comparing more than two boats
- Data table view: added "Raw Data" option to view all rows of the underlying log file without averaging/resampling
- Data table view: added a "color" checkbox to metrics select to color column cells by metric value.
May 2023
- On a boat's polar settings page, show the full polar table next to target tables.
- Improved support for reading the start timer from Vakaros files
April 2023
- New Maneuvers view type, similar to the Maneuver Report. This enables quicker access and deeper analysis of maneuvers, including the ability to highlight the maneuver timestamp across analytics views.
- Extended download options in Polar Diagram view, offering polar file download in Expedition, B&G, Deckman, Adrena, ORC and SailGrib formats

- Added a form to send messages to Njord Support and find suggested help content, accessible at https://www.sailnjord.com/support/ and via the Message Support item in the cogwheel menu
March 2023
- New views in any event / race date: Entire Day and Only Races
- Entire Day shows the full 24 hours of the selected day, which is useful to get an overview of your day using views like the Map view or Line Chart view
- Only Races and its sub-items Only Trainings and Only Races & Trainings only show combined data between the start and end time of all races (and/or trainings, as chosen) of that day. This is useful to visualise the overall performance for your day using views like Targets, Polar Diagram or Scatter Chart. For best results, make sure that your trainings are trimmed to "good sailing sections" and races are trimmed to start time (gun time) and to the time your boat crossed the finish line, this limits performance analysis to "good" data only.
- The Aggregated Data / Multiple Races view (showing data across multiple days of the same event) has been moved below Only Races and works in a similar manner

- Editing/trimming races has moved to the Trim Races entry and has been improved with a race selector, the capability to enter multi-day races and to upload mark files for easier mark input
- The Targets view for analysing upwind/downwind targets is now available outside the performance database, for any single race and in the Only Races/Multi Races section (requires upwind/downwind filter)
- The Scatter Chart and Correlation view types are now available in the performance database
- Most race views have gained an upwind/downwind and port/starboard filter control (top bar) to help you narrow down your analysis in views such as the Scatter Chart view faster

- Data loading speed of the Table view has been improved
- Map view gains the ability to show maneuver loss, activated via the Maneuvers button. It uses our "maneuver loss from COG" method, for more details refer to the maneuver report.

February 2023
- New Polar Diagram view type, in event/race view and performance database (with ability to compare different boats, or multiple events)

- Bin Table view type now available in the performance database
- Ladders button in map to show "ladder" connecting boat's tracks in a lineup of two boats:

- Line Chart supporting more than two boats, and more than two metrics at a time
- New license checkout form makes it easy to find the best price for a certain usage period; allows pre-paying for a fixed usage period
- ROLLINGSUM() function
January 2023
- Download button in maneuver report to export maneuver data in CSV or XLS format
- SIN() and COS() functions
- Live Map showing all online boats and wind stations that you have access to (custom setup required)
- Tool to measure distance and bearing on map: