
Available In Only Races, Aggregate all Dates in Event, individual races/trainings, Entire Day, Performance Database
Displays statistics to help with the calibration of the following instruments:
Speed Transducer/Paddlewheel calibration is based on the BoatSpeed - SOG difference. For best results, select a segment of data with as little current as possible or sail an equal amount in opposite directions.
Compass calibration is based on the Heading - COG difference. For best results, select a segment of data with as little current as possible or sail straight into the current or with it. Make sure your compass is mounted in a fixed position.
Wind Angle Input calibration is based on the Port AWA - Stbd AWA difference. Two different calculations are offered, choose whichever seems most suitable to you. The "Before/after tacks" line is comparing AWA before and after each tack; it assumes the boat is sailed at TargetAWA angles before and after the tack and that TWS is similar before and after a tack (i.e. TargetAWA is the same before and after a tack). The "All upwind sailing" line is comparing AWA readings from all upwind sailing in the selected segment (excluding maneuvers). When TargetAWA or TargetTWA data is available, you have the option to correct for TargetAWA, which means the TargetAWADelta is compared on port and starbord tack instead of comparing AWA directly. This results in a more accurate calculation, and accounts for different wind speeds across the selected data segments; esp. when average windspeeds are different on port and starbord tack throughout the measured segment.
A "Raw Data" option is also available which is similar to the calibration report, and offers raw data for more detailed (manual) analysis.