
Menu item for view type: table

Available In Entire Day, individual races/trainings

Displays a tabular view showing data at configurable time intervals.

View type: table

Table Configuration Options

  • Interval: determines the time interval of rows displayed in the table; starting at the start time of the selected race, training or day.
  • Displayed Metrics: determines the columns displayed in the table
  • Show Averages: when selected, displays the average (mean) of values in the interval preceding each row's timestamp. Otherwise, the momentary value at each row's timestamp is displayed (using interpolation, if required).
  • Exclude Maneuvers: when selected, excludes data before and after maneuvers (configurable in the boat's filter settings).
  • Show Annotation Rows: when selected, shows events such as maneuvers, or start line crossings, in the table
  • Show Sails Column: when selected, adds a column to the table showing the hoisted sails at each time (Display Momentary Values) or in each row's time interval (Display Averages)